(705) 497-9127

Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement (Plain Language)



Plain Language Version[1]

This document describes the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement (the Fiscal Agreement) in plain language. This is an explanative tool and does not form part of the legal arrangements proposed between the parties. This is not a legal document and does not serve as a legal interpretation of the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement.


The Preamble contains statements by each Party concerning their intent in entering the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement (the Governance Agreement) and their intent to maintain a financial relationship for the purposes of the Governance Agreement. The Preamble is not legally enforceable. Everything that is included in the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement after the Preamble is legally enforceable for the Anishinabek Nation and for Canada (the Parties to the Fiscal Agreement).


The definitions in the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement apply in the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement.  There are also additional definitions that apply only within the Fiscal Agreement.

This Interpretation section provides guidance to the reader on how to read and interpret the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement.


The term of the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement is five (5) years from the date the Fiscal Agreement becomes effective. This Part also explains the process for any subsequent fiscal agreements. This Part also outlines the intent of the Parties to amalgamate the fiscal agreements for the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement and the Anishinabek Nation Education Agreement into a single fiscal agreement.



[1] DISCLAIMER: This summary of the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement (the Fiscal Agreement) is provided by the Anishinabek Nation (Union of Ontario Indians) to support the Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement ratification process. This is an interpretative tool and does not form part of the legal arrangements proposed between the Anishinabek First Nations and Canada. This is not a legal document and does not serve as a legal interpretation of the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement. If you have specific questions or wish to receive a copy of the Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement, please contact the Anishinabek Nation (Union of Ontario Indians) by calling Toll-Free at 1-833-297-9850.

the complete Anishinabek Nation Fiscal Agreement in plain language is available HERE.